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Normal with a bit of OOMPH!
Written by Nyla Levy
Currently in development.
Rehearsed Reading at Rich Mix - Venue 1
Friday 12th Feb 2016
Click on icon to view event:
From 2012 until 2016, Nyla carried out over 200 interviews with members of the British public and attended under cover plastic surgery consultations.
Nyla is an advocate of the verbatim theatre technique, bringing stories into a different context, where they can be considered in a new light. Far from being voyeuristic, this technique allows for a faithful representation of recorded interviews.
Normal with a bit of OOMPH! is a collection of verbatim interviews ranging from opinions and rants to thoughts and stories centred on the theme of how our society has reacted to the pressures brought about by pornography, social media and the mis-perception that we so often have of other peoples' perfection.
Normal with a bit of OOMPH! draws on clandestine interviews with industry insiders as well as everyday people to give a glimpse into the malaise of our modern society.
Feedback from Rehearsed Reading at RichMix Feb 2016:
“Beauty, porn & society under a verbatim theatre microscope. Scary. This needs further life.” - Mitesh Soni
“Riveting theatre” - Shobu Kapoor
“Absolutely loved it… very thought provoking and really quite scary!” - Anon
“Fantastic verbatim!” – Anon
“Interesting voices and perspectives … very poignant moments” - Anon
Plans for the future: UK Theatre Tour.
Different is Dangerous
Written by Two's Company
Nyla Co-wrote, Performed, Produced and Toured this production
In talks for further touring possibilities.
Tour Venues 2015 Theatre 503, The Lowry, New Diorama Theatre, Carriagework's Leeds, Lost Theatre, RichMix, The Bush, Hat Factory Luton, TheSpace@ Jury's Inn

"He thinks I'm Spanish… great! Well I'm hardly ganna say no am I? Oh what, turn around and drop the 'P' bomb... 'Yeah I'm a Paki, actually…"
From unprovoked attacks, hijab's and segregation, to Coronation Street, boyfriends and Tupac, Two's Company explore multicultural life and the challenges of ethnicity.
Using a combination of headphone verbatim technique, and fictional monologues Different is Dangerous gives a unique insight into the idiosyncratic lives of the Asian Leeds Locals.
This is a devised piece, performed by its' creators. Written, Directed and performed by Tamasha Developing Artists, Nyla Levy and Fadia Qaraman - Two's Company.
Two's Company were taken under the wind of Tamasha Theatre Company in 2012, as part of the TDA (Tamasha Developing Artist's) scheme.
Different is Dangerous was an Amnesty International Freedom of Expression Award Nominee, 2014.
"Representing REAL voices, REAL people"
"The humour and wryness struck a bittersweet chord"
"A fresh approach to dealing with race and equality" - Anonymous feedback from New Diorama Theatre
* * * - Broadway Baby - Edinburgh Fringe 2014

Lyric Hammersmith Development Lab
February 2016
Nyla was selected to join three other up and coming young playwrights as part of the Lyric Hammersmiths new Development Lab programme.
Development Lab is run by Yolanda Mercy.
There are plans for another Scratch Night for the Development Lab four playwrights at The Lyric, September 2016, date TBC.
New Diorama Theatre
Emerging Companies 2016/17
February 2016
Nyla is Co-Artistic Director at Two's Company, who have been selected to be one of the New Diorama Theatre's Emerging Companies 2016/17.